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In the following area you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us if you have a question that we could not answer in the FAQ.
How long does it take until my new skilled workers arrive?As a rule, you can expect a period of 6 to 9 months, although the start dates of the vocational school play a decisive role for trainees.
What is the expedited procedure according to §81a?The accelerated skilled worker procedure according to Section 81a AufenthG creates a new instrument to accelerate the entry of skilled workers. If there is a specific job offer, the employer can apply for the accelerated skilled worker procedure at the immigration authority at the location of the business premises with the authority of the foreign skilled worker. The aim of the procedure is to offer employers and skilled workers an entry procedure that can be clearly planned with deadlines and which should not exceed a period of 4 months.
What costs do the specialists incur?The specialist does not incur any costs for the placement - only the language training must be taken over by the specialist if it is not financed or partially financed by the employer.
Is there a minimum number?For trainees, we would like a reduction of at least 3 - this means that the young people have colleagues from their home country, especially in the beginning, and therefore contributes to successful integration. There is no minimum purchase for trained specialists, but for the reasons mentioned above we also recommend hiring at least two to three specialists.
What language level do my future employees have?As a rule, all skilled workers complete the B1 ÖSD/ECL/Goethe exam and are at B2 level by the time they leave the country. The specialists take the B2 exam in Germany/Austria. If desired, we offer your future employees further language courses in Germany and Austria.
What costs can I expect for the placement of trainees and specialists?The effort depends on the industry and the number of placements desired - we will immediately send you a KVA after receiving the job profile.
Who takes care of all the applications from stakeholders such as ABH, IHK FOSA, state governments and embassiesWe - through powers of attorney and sub-powers of attorney, we are your central contact. We centralize all processes.
Do you provide accommodations for our new employee?Accommodation is usually provided by the employer - at least the employer should ensure that future employees have appropriate accommodation at a reasonable price for the first 6 months.
Which service areas do you cover?We cover the following service areas: Service area 1: Candidate placement Service area 2: Provision of documents for entry Performance area 3: Language preparation Performance area 4: Cultural preparation Service area 5: Integration A detailed description of services is available upon request.
For which sectors do we place skilled workers and trainees?We have expertise in various industries and provide skilled workers in a variety of areas. On our reference page you will find a summary of the professionals we have successfully placed. As soon as we receive your job description, we will compare it with our extensive database and inform you immediately whether we have suitable profiles available.
Are Fair Recruitment standards met?German language schools and agencies (TALENTUM MENA REGION) in-house guarantee compliance with and orientation of our corporate practices to the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel" and in particular the ILO General Principles and Operational Guidelines for Fair Recruitment" and "THE IRIS DEFAULT" Head of the language school Dr. Mathias Henning on site is our guarantee for the organization and monitoring of the ÖSD and ECL language certification standards, which are also carried out in-house. Use of process management according to the guidelines of the quality seal for fair recruitment “Ankaadia”
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